MilSim Airsoft
- What is MilSim
- Weapons
- Who plays MilSim
- What about PTSD and Airsoft MilSim?
- Where to play MilSim
- What’s required to play MilSim
- What types of MilSim are there
- Reenactment
- Simulation
What is MilSim?
MilSim most often falls into two different categories: reenactment and simulation. Reenactments focus on a particular event in history and aim to provide the most accurate representation of the time period, events, and outcomes of the historical event. Simulation, however, may only focus on a particular time period and representation of which course a particular situation may have taken in history. In most cases a simulation event includes fictitious characters, groups, and political situations MilSim is simply an abbreviation for
“Military Simulation” and is usually conducted by civilians for entertainment and competition purposes which simulate military scenarios, reenactment of military operations and tactics.
Weapons used in MilSim are commonly airsoft guns. Airsoft guns are used in MilSim because they have the looks, feel and operation that is very close to that of "real steel" weapons without the cost or risks and can be used without any modification. Also Airsoft guns are frequently used to train military and law enforcement. Why? Because airsoft guns are capable of being set up the same way as real guns used by these personnel, and in many cases, the size ratio and even weight ratio is 1:1. One of the main reasons airsoft guns are so attractive in militaristic simulations is, besides the realism, the simple fact that you can actually use them to fight. All you can do with a real gun is target shoot or, at most, fire blanks at people or more recently simunition, but nothing beats the low risk / low cost of airsoft for training. Personnel can actually engage in realistic military operations with airsoft guns, and perform maneuvers that they may well do in actual combat. The training is very efficient because of the size and weight ratios, and the fact that, with the use of the appropriate airsoft guns, the training feels like a real battle.

This covers a wide range of people! On the airsoft field you can find a mix of former and active duty military, law enforcement, all they way down to kids that want to take the thrill that they get from video game up to the next level.
What about PTSD and Airsoft?
This Week in Airsoft states. "In Airsoft I would find a kind of therapy for my PTSD that I wouldn’t have known or believed. It is in Airsoft, amongst veteran military and non-veteran military players, that I would find what I had been missing now for years. I now had the chance to put on a uniform again and march into simulated battle. Airsoft offered me a chance to it all over again; go to war without going to war.” When a service member leaves the military, transitioning into civilian life can sometimes be difficult, especially if he has spent a 9 to 16 month deployment in a combat environment. Airsoft can is one additional way that service members can relieve stress, meet fellow veterans, make new friends, and reliving situations that one might have experienced in combat, without the life and death circumstances. This is therapeutic to these veterans, and often times effective therapy for PTSD is critical in helping a veteran deal with their demons."
Where to play MilSim?
The majority of MilSim games take place in privately owned large open fields due to the amount of players involved. Some of the best are even held in MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) sites where active military training or exercise takes place. *SEE PICTURE BELOW.
What’s required to play MilSim?

What types of MilSim are there?
- Reenactment: This type of MilSim focuses on an event in history and emphasizes on the authenticity of the actual event and provides the most accurate representation of the time period and outcomes of the event.
- Simulation: Simulation MilSim may focus on a certain
time period where the particular situation, or scenario takes place and plays out that is not based on current history. It might also include fictional characters, groups and
political situation.
Both types can include:
Players being divided into teams with different objectives such as capture the flag, elimination of OpFor (Opposing Force), VIP/Convoy Protection and several other variations. Most players on the team generally should have unique roles such as point man, rear guard or sniper as well as AOR's (Area of Responsibility) for each team member.

to play in a MOUT is my wish from the first time i started in airsoft. that's awesome!