Monday, May 13, 2013

Airsoft gear from the practical to the insane...

In  my short time of playing Airsoft, having transitioned from "Real Steel", I have seen gear and accessories that have ranged from the spot on perfect to the over the top ridiculousness.  The question that I would pose today is:

What is the best gear to use?

First of all, assuming that you don't have a rich uncle that has unlimited funds to provide the very best that money can buy, know that all gear is an expensive investment. So you need to find that balance between what you can afford, what is required by your team, what looks cool, what is REALLY practical and works. 

I'm sure every one of us can think of an airsoft player that uses real body armor complete with the ballistic plates that will stop everything short of a .50 cal. Those are also the same players that have to have someone help them get into and out of their gear because it is so heavy. Also how many of us (myself included) have mounted flashlights and lasers on our replicas but have never used them in a game. On the other end of the spectrum are those who will go out on the field with nothing but a airsoft rifle and a pair of sunglasses and are surprised when they run out of BB's or get shot every time within the first seconds because they stood out in the forest. 

 So it really comes down to you asking yourself the following questions:

1) Will it (the gear) do the job that you intend it for at that game?
2) Do you have sufficient supplies each time you go out during the game to support your role?
3) Will YOU be able to move quickly and without noise AND have everything you need within reach?
4) Will you blend into the environment that you are playing in? White t-shirt and desert camo pants do not work in dark forest...
5) Will it sufficiently protect you? Not just from the BB's but also for scratches, insect bites, sunburn ect...
Just some thoughts...

Don't go hog wild and buy everything that you see - build on what you have and purchase a little at a time as you develop your playing style and/or role in the game.

Ask the veteran players for advice - they have all learned the hard way too..

IT'S A GAME NOT A FASHION SHOW! You are out there to have fun, don't loose sight of that.

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