Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christmas shopping for your Airsofter? - Shopping list 2.0

 The Airsoft Unicorn, Spartan Leah  in the video below, shares with us the importance of shopping the local businesses, not only to support our local people and economy but also to get the very best service!!   You know that when you call our sponsors at Code Red Headsets Airsoft, Thunder Kiss NW llc, or The Bunker, that you are talking to people that really care about their customers and come to know you by name rather than an account number...

Looking for Christmas shopping ideas for the Airsoft enthusiast on the family? We have again put together some the top suggestions that were sent in to us.

Here is one of the better lists that were sent in to us:
  • Primary Weapon - Dytac Combat Series UXR III 
  •  Secondary Weapon - KWA M1911 MK-II
  • Armor - Condor Ronin Chest Rig OD
  • Uniform - Marpat
  • Boots - High top boots. We would suggest that you check out what is in surplus stores.  
  • Other important "stuff" - 9.6 Brick batteries, 3-4 magazines that will fit your replica, Eye-pro, Mesh lower mask, dead rag, boonie hat, Green gas and a few bags of high quality bb's.
You can pick and choose from that basic list above, depending on what your "softer" already has. Some would say that its all about the sport and that it really doesn't matter if you are playing in jeans and a t-shirt or Crye Precision, BUT we all know that it is about looking "tacticool" Sooo in order to help in your shopping for your softer, the following is a list for those to step it up a bit with "the tools of the trade."

Helmets ($19.99 and up)

Helmets have come a long way since airsoft has started! It used to be that all you could get was military surplus or thin plastic M88 “fritz” replicas, now you can get high quality copies of just about any current issued helmet and some that haven't even been thought of yet.  The one that is in the hottest demand this year is the "Tactical Air frame" helmet.
 Helmets Are a good gift because they are not only a needed item to complete your "kit" if you are planning to participate in MilSim events but can also protect your "softers" head from a variety of injuries on the field. Hazards such as low hanging pipes and small branches are no match for a sturdy helmet.
Eye / Face Protection ($20.00 - $250.00)

Here  is an area that can go from the basic to the over the top insane! All fields that I have played at require full sealed eye protection at the minimum and many require full face protection for those who are under the age of 18 because danger to teeth. Even if the field didn't require it, you would have to be insane to not protect your eyes. Some examples of good eye pro include ESS goggles, Oakley m-frames with a helo kit, Boogie regulators, or revision ant goggles. All eyewear should fall under ansi z87.1 standards.

Load bearing gear

  This can be as basic as battle belts and go up to plate carriers, chest rigs, and tactical vests. Load bearing gear can significantly increase the amount of ammo that a player can carry on the field as well s provide extra padding from harder hitting guns. I would suggest
that you look at gear with MOLLE webbing. MOLLE (pronounced molly) is an acronym for Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment. This allows the airsofter to set up their vests for their individual tastes. We would suggest that you avoid the basic vests that come from the chain stores like Wal-Mart or Big 5 because the quality is just not there.

ExtraMagazines ($8.99 & up)
Most electric airsoft guns come standard with a high capacity magazine. While this is good for starting out, the last thing that you want to do is give away your position with the distinctive rattle of a half full mag. This doesn't mean that they don't serve well on the field
but that there are alternatives. Many of the larger game and events that you can participate in severely limit the number of high capacity mags that you can use but don't limit you on the number of midcap mags, so a few midcap magazines and a speedloader is always a welcome gift.

***MAS IMPORTANTE, not all mags fit all replica's, so make sure what you are buying for! Also, this time of year you can find some great deals but remember that saving a few dollars in the end doesn't always make it the best deal.

Optics ($8.99 and up into the thousands)

While less important in cqb, optics can make a world of difference in mid to long range engagements. If you find yourself a bit hesitant to invest $100+ on a real-steel optic, many Hong Kong producers make quality replicas that won’t break the bank.


A good pair of gloves can help protect a players hands from bb strikes as well as environmental hazards such as thorns and sharp rocks. The choices range from affordable Mechanix and surplus nomex flight gloves to the more pricey Oakley and Outdoor research.

Patches ($.99 - $20.00)

Velcro patches are great for attaching to your gear for identification and motivational purposes. Whether you're looking to support a cause, make a statement, or just want a patch for the heck of it, there are lots of patches to choose from. I would suggest that if you have not served or are currently serving in the military, that you avoid wearing specific unit or rank patches. Also, unless you KNOW what the "Blue Falcon" patch is - don't get one...  


http://www.coderedheadsets.com/default.aspOn the field, your "softer" will want to be able to communicate with the other members of his team. This can go down one of two ways... 1) They yell across the field to one another. AND get shot because EVERYONE knows where they are at and what they are doing. 2) Get high quality radios and headsets that will not only work great and silently but will last for years... We recommend going with the Code Red Headsets, they work great and are made by the same company that supplies the professionals.

Don't discount filling stockings with gift cards, BB's, Batteries (not just for the replica but for accessories too) or even my favorite spring powered pistol -Colt Delta Elite Airsoft Spring Gun 105

Padre' out...

http://airsoftikaika.weebly.com/The Warriors on YouTube

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