Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Slaydies Face-Off After Action Report

The Slaydies Face-Off After Action Report:
By Adella Relentless

For those of you that are unaware of the purpose of the Slaydies Face-Off Game it was a way for airsoft to be introduced to females and new players. With this game came many surprises for the females such as special raffle prizes, gift bags and many more goodies! Not only did this game cater to females but to new players as well where they could experience airsoft with friendly people of the industry that understood the game itself was not about getting the most kills or missions completed but rather to introduce them to the sport or hobby aka "Spobby" and experience the fun and passion we all know and love about this industry.

The day itself started off far from normal. Sadly it did not pan out the way we had hoped. The morning had started of with Callsign IronMan having to be rushed to the ER due to an allergic reaction that took place after having taken some vitamins. So rather than being out on the field commanding the Relentless Legion my morning started off in the ER. Luckily the Legion understood and welcomed me with open arms, guns blazing and Relentless attitudes once I was ready to take command.

The games ranged anywhere from 45 minutes to an Hour and the massive amounts of bb rain definitely made time fly. During my time out there I felt that same love of airsoft that I did when I first started playing. Seeing all the people in the crazy costumes, awesome camo load outs and many other crazy things people decided to wear was a great reminder that at the end of the day it is just a game. We need to have fun out there and learn not to take it so seriously all the time. For someone like me who has a lot of responsibilities in this industry that can sometimes be a hard thing to remember. Lately ever since my time at Faded Giant I started to remember just how fun this game truly can be and Slaydies was a great reminder of that.

Watching the Airsoft Unicorn and her Unicorn Militia take the field with force and The Relentless Legion having fun in their amazing airsoft load outs was a fun thing to watch as these two sides went head to head. I would say if you are looking for a game where you don't have to take it so seriously or you have a female friend you would like to introduce this is the perfect game to do it! For the first time ever attempting such an event I would definitely say it is one to remember!

Special congrats to the Unicorn Militia for Winning the first ever Slaydies Face-Off both myself and the Relentless Legion look forward to our rematch in Future face offs

Special thank you to all the sponsors that helped support this game!
-Valken Tactical


-G&G Armament

-Bolt BRSS


-Airsoft GI


-Code Red Headsets

-Red Wolf Airsoft

-The Ev8 Group

And last but not least
Warped Ops Airsoft for hosting the game at their field!

I hope to see you all of you at Future Slaydies Face Offs!

Adella, sitting in for Padre' out... Warriors on YouTube

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